GROUP EXHIBITION: ‘One day, I’ll fly away’
From 16 August until 10 September to be seen at galerie SANAA, UtrechtSOLO EXHIBITION: ‘Valavond’
From the 23th of July until the 29th of August I show my work in the solo exhibition ‘Valavond’ at Galerie SANAA in Utrecht:

A book about 30 years of working in my studio and elsewhere. Available at Galerie SANAA and by sending me a mail. The book costs € 40,00

Kunstsalon IJL
From the 30th of May until the 20th of June I am participating in the exhibition IJL at Galerie Noord in Groningen. Here you find more details about the exhibition:
101 tickets to paradise
Until the 2th of May I am participating in this exhibition at SANAA in Utrecht. Art Forever made a video about this exhibition. You can see it here:
Campaign for my book about 30 years of artworks
Since Saturday the 23th of January my campaign on has started.
‘Boven de Bank’
From Friday the 20th of March until the 25th of april I will participate in the exhibition ‘Boven de Bank’ at LOGMAN gallery.
Drawing Inventions Academy
From Tuesday the fourth of February 2020 I will be participating in a masterclass from Drawing Inventions Academy.
From November 10 until December 1, Carien Vugts will have a solo exhibition at Firma Van Drie, Gouda.
In the work-in-situ of Carien Vugts, a white, exotic vegetation takes possession of the exhibition space. The integrated screen prints may bring some color.
Het blauwe uur
From September 14 until October 13, Lisa Couwenbergh and I will have an exhibition with the title: ‘Het blauwe uur’ in Kunstliefde, Utrecht.
The work of Lisa Couwenbergh and Carien Vugts has, despite the fact that they both have a strong idiom of their own, a number of similarities.
One is to portray dusk, when everything is no longer completely clear and feelings of surrealism and light melancholy predominate.
In ‘The blue hour’ their works will subtly find each other and together create a new time of the day.
Art forever has made a movie about my work and the making of the exhibition:
Barcelona revisited
From December 16, 2018 through April 9, 2019 I am staying at Mas els Igols in Torrelles de Foix. I am doing an artist-in-residence again but now a short distance from Barcelona.
Bloemen plukken uit het verleden.
Het winnen van de Kunstliefde prijs was voor Lucy aanleiding voor een interview. Elaine Vis bezocht mijn atelier.
Kunstliefde Prize 2018
I won the Kunstliefde Prize 2018!!!!
The working process of Mirror Garden is recorded by Ferry van Nimwegen and Gerard Wielenga. You can see the movie here:
The Garden studio, Mirror Garden
Since August 1st, I am together with Anna van Suchtelen en Uli Kürner working in the Garden studio of the K.F. Heinfonds in Utrecht. We are working on a project with the Title Mirror Garden.
April/may 2018, participation in the group exhibition ‘Vals Plat’ at Kunstliefde, Utrecht. The exhibition is composed by Henriëtte Santing and me. The exhibition opens on Sunday 8 april 2018.
Uitnodiging VALS PLAT – Kunstliefde
Home again
In my studio I started making new pieces after being back from Barcelona, where I had a residency for 3 months at Hangar.
Together with Anna van Suchtelen and Uli Kurner I am working on a new piece in the sequence: ‘just like a bright silvery mist’